Historical military and supernatural thrillers, with an occasional side helping of Lovecraft

Robert Lassen served for 18 years in the UK military, including multiple operational tours in the Middle East, but his first love was always writing. He has written dozens of short stories and novellas, including several novellas as part of Sony’s Everquest Next MMORPG project. He has also been featured in the acclaimed SNAFU series from Cohesion Press. His debut “K Department” WW2 supernatural thriller novel "Night Fighters" is available now, with multiple sequels incoming.
K Department was the cover name for a highly-classified British government organisation responsible for employing “unorthodox” methods (many of them reputedly bordering on supernatural) throughout both World Wars and into the Cold War. Due to the Official Secrets Act and the use of sophisticated disinformation activity, little can be confirmed of Department operations, or indeed whether their work continues to this day.
H.P. Lovecraft was a pioneering American writer of weird and horror fiction, celebrated for his creation of what became known as the Cthulhu Mythos. While commercially unsuccessful during his lifetime, since his premature death at the age of 46 he has been recognised as one of the most influential horror writers of all time. Rumours persist that Lovecraft, a noted Anglophile, was approached by K Department shortly after the end of WW1; while none of HPL’s biographers have been able to confirm this, there are clear similarities between some of his stories and known operations detailed in the K Department archives and recently acquired by the author under the UK Freedom of Information Act (2000).
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